
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trying to Find a Ninja

Well Im back in Stuttgart again. We are usually in here at least once every two weeks it seems. The train ride is still 2 hours but at least we have things to do like study and talk on the ride.

This week was pretty cool. After really not having any new investigators last week we were able to get 5 this last week. All of them very skeptical of letting us in but by the end every single one of them took a book of mormon and offered for us to come back again. So far we have not had a new investigator that has not allowed us back yet so I wonder if people always agree to have you back over yet do not always mean it. The one progressing investigator that was here when I got here, Izea, was apparently arrested last week. We have no idea what for but, I do not think we will be able to teach her anymore.

I met our bishop for the first time this week. He has been gone for about a month and so last sunday was the first oppurtunity I had to meet him. He is pretty nice. He was willing to do anything we wanted for sunday school or priesthood.

Me and my companion have officially declared war against each other. We are still realy good friends and have no trouble with each other. We have just really started to discuss which country is better. Amazing America. Or puny, weak England. It actually started discussing which one was correct. The letter z or the letter zed (z in England) of course there is no argument here but just to entertain him we took a vote in our zone and z won by a land slide (and it has nothing to do with all of our zone being americans).

Well sorry about that paragraph but this last week has not had any extremely awesome stories. We worked hard. Got new investigators. Commited some people to come to church. And went to church. Well I guess we kind of have a baptism set. His name is Emmanuel but he keeps saying he wants to get baptized and then gets drunk so.... We do not really have a baptism set. We have discussed with him that we do not drink and smoke but I think he thinks he is sneaky about it or something. i do not quite understand him.

This week we ate at the Palfinger home. They are an older couple but they are way funny. Bro. Palfinger showed us his sudoku books, played the german form of yahtzee with us while we ate, and made jokes with his wife the whole time. Sis. Palfinger made us some really good orange pork sauce stuff we put on German noodles. It was all very good.

Oh yes now I remember an interesting thing. We had another Jehova witness couple show up to a meeting we had. Only this meeting was with a member! Apparently the Jehova witness`s had come by a few days ago and started arguing wether or not Joseph Smith was a true prophet or not with the member. Well I guess she invited them back and just happened to invite us over for a lunch appointment at the same time.... Her rationalization was that we would show the Jehova witness´s what for I guess. Instead we just sat there welcomed them and did not participate in bible bashing. I think the two Jehova witness lady´s felt really awkward trying to bible bash with people who obviously are not going to bible bash. Instead we just talked about how grateful we are for the Atonment of Jesus Christ. I do not think they wanted to argue that point so they just talked about how grateful they were for Christ too and then we pretended we had to catch a train because we did not want to give time for it to turn back to religion bashing.

After that we decided we would give a short lesson to the members this up coming sunday about the thirteen articles of faith, especially the one about respecting other religions, because we think that it might be a bit helpful. After everything was said and done though we had a really good week. Just not a super exciting week and now we are getting ready for our yone p-day were we will probably just play soccer and basketball. So I hope everything is going well and I will try to fight ninja´s or something to make next week more interesting.

Bye and love to you all, Jeff Hargett

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elder Hargett....I love reading your thought with writing you today is to remind you of your rich English heritage...your great, great, great grandparents came from England where they joined the church in Eaton Bray. Your family was from around Nottingham. Their names were Jessie Impey and Mary Folkes Impey (also spelled Empey). They could not read or write and we have a copy of their marriage license which is signed with an X. They worked in farming and on the side made straw hats that allowed them to earn money to come to the United States. They went to Liverpool, joined the Willey company, took the ship Thornton and sailed to America. They landed in Sandusky, Ohio (about 1 hour from where we live)..went on to Chicago and then to Iowa City, Iowa where they build their handcart to push to SLC. You know the story of the Willey and Martin companies..they left too late in the year and hit early snows. Your great, great, great grandfather and his son died near Chimney Rock, Nebraska and your gg grandmother, Sarah Jane, was rescued along with her mother, Mary, and sister at Rocky Ridge, Wyoming. So, while your companion and you might discuss which country is better - and have fun doing so - just know that English blood runs through your body and the faith and strength that family had to come to this country is something to be grateful for and proud of. We are proud of you and we love you. Aunt Joan
