
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Exaggeration & Entertainment

Well I promised an email and now i got about 20 minutes to write so lol I will try as hard as possible. So this last week we finally got to seem some pretty good reports from us going by on earlier investigators. There was a lot of "yeah come by agaings" those are nice and some "yeah you can come by next week and maybe we can meet then" those are good but then we got "Yeah! hey I wondered when you guys would come back!" and a "yeah Ill come to stake conference this week. My friend is a member is it ok if she comes over afterwards and you can re-teach me that stuff? I totally forgot it" followed by "oh man elder Hargett you are an awesome stud of an american who deserves all my money and stuff!" (one of these may be made up for the sake of exageration and entertainment but it is impossible to disclose which one it would be so do not bother yourself with it) So yeah we went by on a lady who used to visit, check this out, the Ellwangen ward everyweek (I used to serve there!) she stoped going becuase it was too far away and was becoming a hassle (she is about 2 hours away from it). Luckily there is a ward about 30 minutes from her house called the Tübingen ward...... So she is coming this saturday and sunday to stake conference and then we are going to her house to teach the first lesson with a member from ellwangen who stays in contact with her. On thursday we had a big day since we were going to hear transfer news. Since there is so many missionaries there was no set time for when people would recieve calls so throughout the whole day people all over the place were getting called. We heard (luckily) nothing! Which means elder Mildon and I are staying here. So we called up Reutlingen to hear if anything was happening with them, seeing as how they are the other two missionaries in our ward. They got closed. We were shocked. Reutlingen and Tübingen have been here working together for about 20 years. Our area is huge and cannot possibly be covered by two missionaries.... correction, two normal missionaries!!! But yeah it is still too big even then so we are trying to get a car. So the rest of our week consisted of us meeting their investigators and less actives they meet with. It was extremely interesting the only one we havnt met is the man they set a baptismal date with just weeks ago! It will be way awkward when we show up and try talking to him.... We also went by a lot of members since Reutlingen wanted to say bye and people love us so much. (Warning: Elder Hargett is not prideful he is just accuratly aware of how awesome he is) So yeah. Well this sucks Im already out of time (wonder how much I could write if i stop putting things in paranthesis..... perantesis?... para... parachuters..... parachuters are cool..... I want to parachute.... how come we never went parachuting? Probably because i was too young and now my family is getting to old..... whatever happened to the cocunut desert at Tucanos anyways....) well thats about it for this week I will send a longer letter next week I promise! Love elder Hargett

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