
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #1 at the MTC (Meet the Companion Elder Blomquist)

Hey I hope this didn't go into your junk mail and you are getting this from me. This is Jeff. I've finally gotten my first chance to use the e-mail here in the MTC they have a timer for 30 minutes and since I had to create this account I lost a little bit of time.

It's not been that bad here at the MTC. I took some pictures but no one seems to know how to send them on the MT computers so I'll try next week or just wait till I get to Switzerland. P-day isn't a ton better then the regular days but I don't think the days are that bad at all.

Our teachers are amazing. They are both return missionaries who have only been back a little less then a year. One is a really spiritual quite guy, and the other is this really energetic woman who is pregnant, but not very far yet. They give you a credit card type of thing to take around everywhere. We use it for meals, laundry, and it has 6 bucks a week they give you on it for whatever. I did have to get a tetinus shot right after they brought me in here.

Within probably an hour of that meeting where they take you apart they re-take your picture, check all your files, give you some shots if you need them, tell you where your staying, and give you the schedule for the day. The first two days where by far the longest. That wendsday (I don't care if my spelling or grammar sucks i don't have time to check it all) that we were only here for half a day seemed to take forever. The Thursday after that, it felt twice as bad 14 hours of classes with 30 minute meal breaks was kind of annoying at first. Once we hit monday though it all started to go faster.

I can at least understand most German now, although I can only have very basic conversations. Our teacher brother Duval does a thing in class where he draws out a story on the chalkboard and only talks in German. We arn't alound to talk to each other, look up the words, or anything just take notes. And you'd be surprised at how much you catch on on how to listen and find definitions just by following the story. We already get to plan our days out for ourselfs basically there is like 4 hours of day planned for you and the rest you plan out for yourself. It's great cause the first week me and my companion worked on the first lesson you teach and we can do it without much problem.

Although in the fourth week you have to be able to teach the first lesson completely in German for 45 minutes and be able to answer any question they may have about it or the church.

German culture sounds amazing however. Even if your German is terrible they like it that people are trying to learn their langauge and always want to help you. Also I havn't even had a hair cut yet. Apparently in the German missions they don't mind radical hair cause it's normal for them in fact it's the only missions where 30 years ago they didn't have to do the hair part.

I wish I had brought more of my shirts cause you can wear so much more then I though, plus I need more gym clothes. Also I wish I had brought my Ipod cause even though most music on there I can't play they trust you to play music you think is fine. Which doesn't necessarly mean church music. They are fine with a lot of alternative rock as long as there is no romantic or curse words in it. I was surprised at music some people got to play and is in fact played around quite a bit. If you still need my Ipod for that vehicle it is in my little bed side thing on the bottom shelf. The thing with the lamp and clock on it. IM in the laundry room right now and have just a lot off people walking around wanting to use computers and laundry machines. Good thing I already got both. We only have 30 minutes to wake up get ready and dressed and get down to our class.

I've gotten somewhat use to the 5 minute shower especially since if you go over a lot of people do not mind going in there with you or just opening the curtains and trying to embarass you. That hasn't happened to me yet.

I have gone to the gym everyday but you only get 50 minutes of gym time all day and you don't get any on sunday or P-day(yeah I don't know why). T he food here is pretty good actually it's why I gained some meat I guess. My companion's name is Elder Blomquist. He is a pretty good companion. yet there is an actuall Swedish guy in our district who is fun to talk to and hear him try to sound out words. He usually sounds like some sort of vampire.

I guess Im taking to many breaks thinking of what else to say so I'm going to get off so more people can get on.

Sincerely, Elder Hargett

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