
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #2 at the MTC (My District)

Hey sorry about not being able to send you a letter this week I wrote a 4 page letter and just never had time to send it. I'll send it today after I write my e-mail so you can hear what I have wrote in there.
If you do send me my ipod just put all the music on the computer on there and take off all video. Even though some songs have explicit that is cause they were on a cd listed as explicited and I know which ones are which and know what songs are fine. Trust me my music can be heard by over 20 people and I'm not just trying to get all my music. And our branch president knows what we do and trusts us and I won't do anything to lose that trust.

This week has gone by so quick. Even though I've had a hard time with the german I've decided to pick a day a week were I only speak german. It's usually going to be on P-day but today I had to end it at lunch to talk to some people and investigator practices.

I still feel sleep deprived even though we have from 10:30 to 6:30 I can't fall asleep very fast so It's more like 11-6 cause we wake up early so we are the first in the showers. On Sunday when we had to set our clocks ahead my companion accidently set it 2 hours ahead and so when it went off I didn't care to look at the time I just got up and got ready. After 30 minutes I was ready to go and I was the only one up on the whole floor. So naturaly I went to bed in my suit and ended up making us late cause I slept in. Don't worry though we only have personal study in the morning and that has been the only time we wern't on time yet we were still the first ones there just to give you an idea of everyone else.

But my district is the best district most definetly. We are the only district that completly gets along. There is me and my companion elder Blomquist who is from Colorado Springs yet lived in San Diego for half his life and perfers to say he is from there. Another companionship is Elder Shulte and Elder Anderson. Elder Shulte is from Utah and is our district leader. He is the quietest of us all yet he is still fun and plans all of our stuff out right so he is a great district leader. Elder Anderson is probably the person I hang out with the most right after my companion. He is a bigger guy and he gives everyone he sees a hug and it's really nice. In fact their companionship and ours stands outside the first doors you go out of when you enter the MTC and we hug all the new people on Wednsdays. It's pretty funny and awesome.

Another companionship is Elder Bushnell and Elder Hart. Elder Bushnell is from Shelly Idaho and is pretty good with music. Both of his parents are mormon yet he is an only child just like me. I think his sense of humor is a little different fromm most peoples but that is because it is a very nice and clean sense of humor that I will most likely develop and then sound just as strange. Elder Hart is from Canada and is most definetly the center of most jokes in our district. He only lived there for abou 4-5 years yet he still has that Canadian accent. He is really good with it though and loves it.

In fact he introduced us to a food they have in Canada and is called poo-tein. It's french fries with gravy and mozzerala(i know that's wrong) cheese on it. It sounds nasty until one of the sister's in our district who used to worked at the MTC cafeteria called in some favors from her friends and we got to try it.

The last companionship in our district is two sisters. Sister Moline and Sister Robinson. Sister Moline knows virtually everyone here in the MTC and Sister Robinson knows virtually everyone who works at the MTC. It is pretty nice to have some sisters in our district cause they tend to mellow us out when we get off task. We do get off task quite a bit but our teachers think it's totally fine as long as we only speak german when we're off task. Which is great cause rather we get back to work cause we don't know hardly anything or we end up looking up and studying a lot of words.

I know that there have been some pretty cool experiences here but I'm having trouble remembering them when my stupid timer keeps going down. Our zone leaders are about to leave next week so we got new ones. Next week we'll also get the next german missionaries so we won't be the new ones.

We still use our rubber elastic band they gave us as a workout band as a source of fun. We still get fruit and dinner and then when we go back to our rooms an hour before bed we set it up between the beds as a giant slingshot and launch the food at each other. I almost was able to get a slice of orange into elder Anderson's mouth, it was pretty awesome.

In my letter I explain about the referal center but that is just the place where we call to confirm people got their church dvd's or movies. It's nice to talk to someone outside of our mission. But when you call to confirm stuff a lot of people assume you're a tele-marketer. I got one old guy that just cursed at me a lot and then hung up. It was strange to hear curse words lol I know it sounds strange to u but everyone here doesn't even make any joke that isn't church or Canadian related lol.

We go to the temple every P-day so we went about 2 hours ago. It's nice.

There is actually a sort of cliche thing here. The chinese speaking people and the spanish speaking missionaries tend to think their the coolest. The chinese ones just cause they have to stay here cause there language is hard and the spanish think they are cool cause they can say basic sentences cauise spanish is so easy to learn.

I forgot to mention my roommates. We got Elder Colton and Elder Leishman. Elder Colton is from Utah i believe as well. He is pretty funny. Elder Leishman is from Utah as well and can play a ton of instruments and loves music. It's awesome cause they have a very stuck up companionship in their district who thought they were the best with the language and the lessons. So our teacher paired us up with them for a practice lesson. They asked all the hardest questions they could think of and we did too. We wiped the floor with them. lol

I wish i could write more but i got 30 seconds so bye

love, elder hargett

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