
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #3 at the MTC (or the begging for the iPod)

I want to start this e-mail by saying I am very grateful for the boxes and package you have sent, however I can't really do much with the ten year old toys... Sorry but I can't really play with them plus I'm pretty sure we can't have them. I've really enjoyed the thought but unfortunatly there is not a whole lot I can do with the toys. The candy is pretty awesome though.

My roommates and I have inherited pretty much everything from the district that just left to Germany. Since we are now the three-weekers and there are new german speaking missionaries the 9-weekers left on monday and tuesday. Which was extrememly sad since they were the transfer we got along with real well.

But, since they left they all had an item handed down to them and so instead of giving their items to the now 6-weekers we inherited them. Lol me and my companion alone got about 3-4 items a piece. Our room has all save 2 of the items that get handed down. 1 of the items is a book on fourteen different ways to tie a tie and that gets handed down from zone leader to zone leader usually. So our zone leaders got that. But still it was pretty awesome and now we have to look for the people in the new transfer we want to hand down to.

I know that I havn't really stressed this but if there is one thing I WOULD LOVE to be packed it would be my ipod. I know we have talked about it in passing but every since I have been here and now know the rules better I know I would love my ipod. With ALL (not some) of the music off the computer. I know the songs I can't play and don't try to take songs off cause it has explicit cause a large amount of those were on explicit cd's but are not explicit songs. Believe me our branch president and his 2 counselors walk around and listen to our music so I know it is most definetly aloud. And if we ever play music with cursing or that we arn't aloud to play (and we know exactly were the line is) then we have to mail it back. So PLEASE if you can get my ipod and put all the music on the computer and send it too me. It should be in my nightstand next to my bed on the bottom shelf.

Well other then that the weeks are flying by so fast. This week I actually got a letter back from grant who I wrote just a little after getting here. Honestly even though I love everyone and you guys getting one from grant was probably the best letter I've gotten yet. It took him a while to reply cause he was getting transfered when I sent it and so he was sorry for that but he sent me some sick pics and a good letter telling me all about what's been going on.

I'm going to try and write scott today if I can. I would like to start having mail go between grant and scott cause I figure that missionaries actually have incentive to write each other cause we love getting mail and sending it. I feel bad for the missionaries before I left. I didn't really enjoy writing them mail but now that I'm out here I wish I had written them more. Probably once every couple of months.

My companion and I still aren't having any trouble with each other even though by now if someone has a problem with their companion they start to show it. We even got a devotional on Tuesday about companionship given by L. Tom Perry. It's been the only devotional we were real close to the stage and they don't tell you who it is until they come out to talk.

It's weird after being here for only three weeks you know most the people here that arn't new. So most people know me and my companion, and the other companionship we hang out with all the time(elder Schulte and Elder Anderson). I have pictures of everyone in our district and our roommates yet I still can't send them yet cause the computer system here is pretty pathetic. In fact when we get out to our mission we get to use other e-mails cause this account fills up so fast.

Plus after talking to teachers and other mission presidents we found out that germany-switzerland missionaries get cell-phones so they can text investigators lol. Supposedly we get a pre-made facebook to to get investigators through that that are interested.

In the referal center this week I had a pretty cool experience. I was calling to confirm that the missionaries went to visit this one older lady that had requested them. At first she was telling me she got them and wanted them to come back and so I was trying to set up a good time for her. Then she started telling me she liked meeting with them and going to her methodist church cause she liked to feel god's presence. I told her that is why I enjoyed going to church as well and we talked for about 20 minutes and then she started telling me that next week is going to be the 2nd anniversary of her sons death. He was only 23 and died of some disease I can't even pronounce. But he had gotten a marrow transplant about a week before he died so it didn't really help. She started crying when she was talking to me and I started talking to her about that.

I also started re-telling her about how I know that families can be together forever, and that her son is proud of her and wants her to find joy in this life even through the hard times cause life is temporal and they will be able to see each other again. And I told her the missionaries would teach her about the plan of salvation, and how I knew all the things I did through our church. She also said that she got a book of mormon from them and asked her to read 2 chapters out of it. I told her I knew the two chapters they asked her to read were important and to try and read them even for just a couple of minutes a day. Then after about 40 minutes of talking we were ending our conversation and i asked her if it was fine if i could call her back on tuesday after the missionaries came by. She told me she would love to talk to me. And the people in charge of the RC said that if the missionaries wern't able to visit her that I could just teach her lesson 2 over the phone and to pre-pare a short 10 minute lesson for her. She was so nice and I can't wait to call her back on Tuesday.

Other then that the german is really down to complex grammar principle now (live past tense with mogals and verb kicking verbs and random other stuff) and so I'm kinda glad not to be learning vocab any more and just into the grammar. Man I'm already down to a minute twenty. I guess I just want to say I love you all of you who are reading this and I hope that your lifes are going to smooth and that this e-mail hopefully entertained you for at least a little while.

Love- Jeff (Elder Hargett)

P.S. IPOD!!!!!!

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