
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #5 at the MTC (District at Temple)

I spent an hour and 20 minutes writing an e-mail (cause we found a way around the time limit) and then I lost it! So I'm pretty sad right now.

A few things I forgot to mention last week I need to mention. I actually got a tentanus shot the first day i was here cause I wasn't up to date enough. I also developed some weird skin condition and you're going to probably get a $30 bill for some prescriptions they gave me. Other then that everything has been going pretty well still.

Thanks for all the stuff you've sent me. My Ipod, the food, gum, and shirts are amazing. I must admit I'm so happy for all the letters and packages I've recieved from everyone. I'm surprised how many people have written me since I've been out here.

I'm also getting my patriartical blessing today. Which is pretty sweet.

Elder Leishman, my roommate, is pretty amazing. He was talking about how he played music and recorded and stuff. At first I was like ok whatever. But, I found out later he is pretty good. In fact he is paying for his mission off of what he gets from people buying his music on Itunes! He only has 1 CD on there right now. His band is "I am echo" it's only him though. He plays all the instruments and vocals. I havn't got to hear it yet but he is such a fun cool guy I bet it's pretty awesome.

We got to teach the first lesson in Preach my Gospel on Tuesday completly in German. It was pretty fun. For 45 minutes we talked in only German and it's not like it's just memorized lines cause we have to be able to address any concern they have. It was pretty cool. Even though my companion is much better at German. Every now and then I would hear him teaching and relized I knew how to say something that applied so I would interupt and say something like "I know that Jesus Christ was our Saviour" and then there would be like an awkward silence and my companion would just give me a look like "are you going to say anything else, stupid?" It was way cool though. We acutally ended up switching to the second lesson half-way through cause the investigator had a lot of questions about Adam and Eve and why God made us. So it was pretty intense.

German is going great, and so is Preach my Gospel. We learn so much about the culture out in Europe I can't wait to just get out there so I can see what it's like.

Could I please get Zach's mailing address? I don't have it and I don't have the ability to send more then one e-mail so I would be interested in getting his address. I'm sorry to anyone I have not been able to write to yet I love you all but time here is so short. I hope you all have a great week cause my time has been cut short from the e-mail that failed. Sorry

Love, Elder Ffej Hargett_v2

to mom and dad: hey I love you both. Thank you so much for everything you give me. I'm always excited to get mail from both of you. It has been hard to keep the new transfers that watch lost to stayed shut up. I don't really know what else to write, if you get a chance send me a letter of all the things you wish to know or whatever bye.

to grandma Cushing: thanks for the letters and money. I really appreciate you thinking of me - I used a few dollars to get myself some more shaving cream since I'm a hairy beast and ran through the big can mom packed for me already.

to Sister Trappett: Hello sister Trappett. I'm sorry I havn't been able to write you yet since I've been here. i'm hoping to have enoungh time today to be able to write you a letter. I just want you to know I'm so grateful for all you've done for me. Thank you for your positive influence on my life and being such a close family friend that it made you family.

To Bazzelle family: I wrote a two page letter for you all and I have yet to be able to send it! I loved your letters and am excited to hear about everything going on in all of your lives. I hope I can get that letter out today. I love you all.

To Connor, Chase, Chelsea and family: thank you for your letters. I'm doing great and hope you are doing the same. I can't wait till all the big strong Cushing men get out to their missions. It's such a great experience and I know that you'll love it. I hope everyone there is having fun with summer coming up. Take care.

To Uncle Chris Aunt Clauchette and family: Hello, how have you all been doing? Is everyone having fun in school? Everytime we talk about charity and love I just imagine your whole family and how great it is that you have so much love for each other and for everyone around you. I hope you are all doing great and I love you.

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