
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #6 at the MTC (My Great Examples)

Hey everyone. Sorry I'm kinda sending this late. I was waiting to see if I got any mail before I sent this just so I could make sure I wasn't skipping someones questions.Yeah life at the MTC is pretty exciting until you hit the sixth week. You know that you are the oldest group but you no longer care. Cause you know in just one week you'll be getting your flight plans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you get lazy and hate the MTC. You just don't find as much joy in such things as flinging fruit at one another and seeing how long you can wear someone elses name tag before everyone notices it's not yours. (these little games are a blast here, which means I have become so out of touch with the outside I don't really know if these things are fun or not).

I was able to write Grant this week again. Last week I wrote out a four page letter and then lost it. I was to tired to make another one so I waited until this week. I explained this to him and said I was sorry.... I hope it isn't a big deal.

I heard about that earthquake in Italy. A 6.3 wow. I'm so glad to hear that none of the missionaries were harmed and for it being so large it wasn't as high of casulties as they might have thought. Outside news is actually pretty hard to come by here. I have decided to send in my memory card. It isn't very full yet It has pictures of everyone here that i interact with.

German has pretty much come to a stop. We met someone that spoke the Swiss German...... We decided HochDeutsch (High German) was not going to help very much. So we've switched a lot of our time to praying for the help with the language instead. Prayer's are a pretty extremly common occurance here. We easily pray 15-20 a day if it is a slow day.

I want to thank everyone again who has written me. I know it's hard to write missionaries cause I use to be in the real world too. I am also aware that only about 2-3 people will actually probably get to write me once I am out of here. Next Thursday is the day we get our flight plans. It's pretty exciting for us, it's like getting your mission call all over again. We heard from one elder who got to leave early (and actually flew completly alone to Germany) that they usually play movies during the flight. I think it's interesting they deprive us of video, then stick us in prime seating to watch a movie during the flight just to see what we'll do....

The new transfer came in yesterday. They all seem very nice and enthusiastic. None of them seem to be the type to constantly disobey rules. While they also don't seem to be the type that believe you can't have a personality. Which is great cause the old transfer that just left didn't believe in humor.

I can't believe how hard it is to remember things throughout the week when I have a red clock ticking at me. We actually found a way to open word pad and write our letters in there and then open ldsmail and send it.... but last week I had a bad experience with that and have decided not to follow that anymore.

I feel bad for a lot of people here. Being the MTC I do feel there is much joy and a good spirit, although there are some people who honestly don't want to be here. There is one sister missionary who actually has gotten harassed because she is pretty attractive. Elder Leishman has had so many people do things to him yet he never really creats confrontation. Yesterday he was playing basketball and after trying to steal the ball (cause he is pretty good and usually gets it from people) the elder held the ball in one hand and backhanded him with the other. I told Elder Leishman I could not believe he just walked away from it and ended up telling the guy he didn't mean to offend him (the other guy thought he was in the right some how!) I'm glad to have such a great example of charity right in my room.

Elder Calton is a great example as well. He's the first to get up, first to be ready, and always helps everyone else do what needs to be done. He doesn't really seem to have an issue with any rules. Not the commandments, not the extra rules they give you on your mission, and not even the small rules the zone leaders have made up (they have gotten told off not to do that anymore). He will be a great missionary and a great leader of obedience.

My companion, Elder Blomquist, is great as well. He cares for a lot of people and never really has trouble doing something that we need to do. No matter what the schedule says he makes sure we do it. And a lot of companionships have problems at some point in the MTC it seems, yet he never gets mad or fustrated with me. So I am glad to be around so many great people.

Well I'm out of time I got to go. I love you all and hope you are all doing well.

Love, Elder Harget_v2

To mom and dad:Hey sorry that I forgot your birthday mom. I didn't really forget I just forgot to get something. That card (even though it is extremly lame) is probably the funniest card here. I think it's interesting that Grandpa Hargett picked John 3: 16-17 as his favorite scripture. It's actually one me and my companion have been using to teach about Christ. I'm sad to hear that you have stopped watching the Thursday line-up. Although I hope you're still avid watchers of Lost and Heroes. Plus Prison break when that comes back. Make sure to get every cool movie out there while I am gone and thanks again for all the boxes and letters. I love getting the letters and am never sick of them. In fact the more and the longer the better. Even though I might not remember everything in them I love getting them. Thanks also for the ties. After about 2 weeks I was sick of only having like 6 ties. Well I'm down to thirty seconds g2g bye.

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