
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week #7 at the MTC (Elder Growing)

Mom's Note: The sign reads "I'm Trying Hard to Please Don't Walk on Me"
I wanted to wait to send this e-mail cause at 3:30 we get our flight plans but we decided to write our e-mails early so that we could get our laundry and stuff out of the way.

I guess I wanted to clear some things up. I havn't really given up on learning German I had a poor attempt at a joke. The MTC is one thing I've decided. A place that teaches you to be a better missionary and kills any rude humor you have.

I got to eat at the temple today. My roomates, companion, and I decided we wanted to do proxies in sealings instead of regular temple ordinances. So, it only took about 25-30 minutes. After that our roommates still had to wait for an elder they were temporary companions with so we decided to eat at the temple cafeteria. Which I must say was better then my Albuquerque temple food experience.

I got my patriartical blessing here as well. It's pretty awesome and I love having one now. One of our roommates, Elder Leishman, acutally had the same patriarch since he lives in this area. I havn't had a chance to make a copy yet so I havn't sent it home.

The new transfer has adjusted to the MTC now I believe. At first a lot of them did not want to talk to anyone at night when we have a little time after doing everything to get ready. We tried asking where they were from and stuff like that and some of them just would ignore us. I can understand ignoring us for things that we shouldn't be talking about but basic stuff? Oh well they have calmed down now. I think after a week of not talking to anyone about anything they have fried out and now want to tell us about their lives.

We are starting our last full week on Monday! I'm so excited. I like it here at the MTC but still I can't wait to actually be out there. The food has gotten kind of old here since they run on a pattern every week. You can almost guess everything that is being served that day.

We had Jeffrey R Holland give a talk to us on Tuesday. I really enjoyed it I thought it was a very good talk and helped me out a lot. I take notes and try to learn from each of them. Then after we all share in our class what we learned. I was asked what talks I've enjoyed since I've been here and really I enjoy them all. Every speaker teaches us something new and unique. Even though it might be a principle teached a lot they all prepare and give great talks and share great experiences.

Elder Leishman and I talk on P-day about our lives before we came out here. Besides the fact that he is a rock star we have really similar interests and hobbies. We even started to talk to each other about fictious books and video games and started writing an idea down. we told each other that after our mission we would meet up and write it.

P-day is fun and I thought I would look forward to it each week, but really I enjoy pretty much every day. The only days I dread are Sundays and that is because the branch president randomly picks two of the missionaries that are 6 weeks or older and makes them give a 5-10 minute talk completly in German.

German has been going well. The more I speak the more I start to recognize when things fit or don't. I still have a lot of principles to learn and do not have an amazing vocab. Yet, I feel as though I'm doing better than anything I learned in high school. I've written Grant and he said he would pick it up again after his mission when he gets the oppurtunity to speak it more frequently. I think it would be awesome to have someone to speak German to once I learn it.

I can't think of a lot of exciting events this week that has happened. At this point the weeks seem to go by in hours. It feels really awkward trying to talk about my week when I don't even remember what happened.

Elder Blomquist and I had to teach our class yesterday. They have started to make all the advanced transfers teach the younger transfers German and preach my gospel principles.I hope everyone is doing great and I love you all.

Love, Jeff

to mom and dad: hey I actually did not get any money in the mail recently. I did about 2 weeks ago if that is what you are talking about. Thanks again for the packages. you said you were going to send 1 more. Shirts (Pday) like the ones you've gotten ( I like the vans and affliction shirts and stuff) and ties. Well acutally I plan on getting some ties out there. I love the letter I get and hope they keep coming until I leave. the more letters I get the better I feel during meals. Cause I have time to read about everything going on in your lives. Just like you live through my e-mails I live through your letters. I wish I had more time yet do not. Have a great time. bye.

to grant (if this is forwarded to grant): sorry I had a gap between my letters I didn't have a chance to write cause I wrote a long letter then lost it and had to wait. I can't get e-mail yet but I'll be at the MTC till the 28 so if you get a chance write me.

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