
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We Ate All Her Birthday Cake!

Hey so yeah this week was so full of things I can't remember how it started or what all happened. But yeah we started our week with the goal of getting at least 20 lessons and 10 of them with less-actives. So on Monday we went to a bordering city and got some exercise stuff and went to a doner shop were challenged Elder Baird to eating 4 yufkas. (1 yufka fills me up.) He said he would at first kind of like 'ok yeah whatever' so I said ok and yelled over to the guy working there to make 3 more yufkas lol.
Elder Baird was way shocked. I told him not to lie since it is against all we teach. He ate the three and we stopped there. He didn't feel like he could get another down but next week he said he is going for 4. If he gets it I am going to buy him a belt. I have shown literally all the members, less actives, and investigators we have my belt I wear since I am the current "Curry Wurst Champion" in the district (which means our mission since me and Elder Owen are the only ones stupid enough to do the stupid challenge).
Later we went and met with Sister Kunz, who is a former member who is on her way to becoming a member again. Normally we are not supposed to work with people in her situation but since there are so few members here, and since she is so nice and cool and has a testimony, President Matern told us to meet with her at least 3 or 4 times a week and make sure she comes to church.
She is so nice, she made us all sort of turkish food (she is German) and then her husband told us he would play soccer with us on Wednsday if we had time. On Tuesday we had district meeting and then President Matern had interviews with us. I was in there for only about 3 minutes before President Matern just told me randomly that I was not staying in Offenburg. Lol. It was way random but he was like excited to tell me. Since he never tells anyone about what is going on with them usually, or at least not for certain. But he was like excited to tell me for some reason I don't know why.
Then he told me I was going to an area were the work would be much easier at the start then it has been in Ellwangen or Offenburg. I told him if it was possible I would like to serve in Freiburg with Elder Owen. Don't know what will come of that. I would gladly go any where though. Even staying wouldn't be that bad, I wouldn't mind being here for a good amount of my mission. But yeah.
Basically we had about 8 or so lessons with members and investigators we have had for a while between the rest of Wednesday and Thursday.  Then on Friday we had 5 lessons with less actives. We started off hiking with a member who lives way far away and hasn't been to church in a while. We got to teach him the first lesson on the mountain side while we hiked for about 2 hours. Then we went and met a former branch president who has been less active since his wife died about 3 years ago. He told us in the last 4 years not once have the missionaries even thought to call him and so when we did call him he told us we could meet with him right away. He is awesome though. He bought me and Elder Grieve Burger King the first time we went there and he got it for us again when we went back.
After we shared a message about home teaching with him we went and visted a less active sister in the area and then came back and did some parkour with a less active young single adult. He is the branch president's son and hasn't been to church in a few years. He is way cool and staight forward. He said he would read once a day in the Book of Mormon if we texted him everyday to remind him.
Afterwards we met up with Simon, who is like our constant less active young single adult we get to meet with. We made and ate enchiladas with him and Mattias (thanks for the enchillada stuff mom, you're awesome!) and then played a game called Catan and talked about Captain Moroni.
On Saturday we met with a bunch of other people (lol it's probably bad i can't really remember) except I do remember we went by sister Kunz's and she was way happy to see us and gave us some cake and we were like 'Uh thanks'.  She went in to grab some stuff and we ate a bunch of cake and then she came back and was like 'oh you already ate some, that is fine'.  Then we found out it was her birthday and we had just eaten like all her cake! And with her not even being there!
I felt terrible so naturally I told her Elder Baird told us to eat it.  ha ha! It was good though since I had my guitar with us because we were doing musical lessons that day so we were able to sing her a birthday song (in English cause its the best one) and play a guitar to go with it. I also taught Elder Baird to play "Book of Mormon Stories" on the guitar so he can play one song and he played it for our zone leaders lol. It didn't sound very good but its ok.
Sunday was kinda a bummer. We had about 6 people who were supposed to come to church and about 8 others that might come to church. We had 1 investigator show up. It was kinda sad but it was ok. The worst part is Ibraham didn't show and when we have tried to call him his wife tells us to go away. He isn't with her anymore and called us today to set up an appointment but still I am getting worried that she is going to make a bunch of problems for him.
At the end we got 24 lessons but only 9 less-actives. It was still way good and I'm glad we reached at least one of our goals. The mission goal is 32 lessons in a week and so we planned for 35 this week. WE WILL DESTROY ALL RECORDS!!!! (Not that that matters but it makes it funner to stay motivated plus it is a good way to keep us busy.) I think we can do it and if we do we are hoping for 3 people to set baptismal dates this week. Whoo hoo.
Well that is about all my time I love you all and hope you are all doing wonderful.
Elder Hargett


  1. Son, we are so proud of you for working so hard every day. I think back to President Matern's advice to you to do what you do best and how by following what your leader told you, you are finding success and happiness. Remember this lesson, to always follow the counsel of our leaders and you will find joy! Love you, MFM (my favorite missionay!) - Mom

  2. Jeff-- I hope this gets through to you. I love reading your letters and you take us right into your experiences with them. You know how I love your writing. I can see you are having a great time with your companions and your investigators, etc. I would love to be there and watch you in action. I will be writing you again just so you can get a letter now and then. Be safe and God bless you, my sweet grandson.
