
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Europa Park Day!

Monday, March 29th:
wow - Mom, I did forget your birthday! I'm so sorry it just does not feel like i have been out that long. wow. Yeah europa park was pretty sweet and tons of fun. The truth is there is not a lot to tell about who we have met with or the work since it is rare to none right now. Today we went to Europa Park, I rode some rides a ton and it was pretty much perfect, it was awesome. It was the third day it has been open yet the park was dead since it rained heavy at the first of the day so people decided just to go to work or school or something else and then around 10 it cleared up and was sunny the whole day. There was litterally no lines for almost any rides and everyone was telling us they had never seen it like that before. I hung out with elders Schulte and Peterson (also in the mtc with me, Peterson was Bond's comp and Shulte was Anderson's) it was way fun. I actually met a lady from London and she was way happy to talk to me and right before I got her info the ride started and I couldn't find her afterwards it was very sad.
We rode on a new ride called blue fire a ton and got to say bye to two missionaries who are 'dying' this transfer. I've learned to play 1 jack johnson song and a couple other songs I like on the guitar so far. The only thing that sucked was since me and elder Owen had to take the train we got there later and someone sold our cheap tickets so we had to pay extra to get in! That kind of made me mad. Didn't really eat anything there since it wasn't that good of food.
Since it was so dead we talked to all the workers and entertainers there and they all liked us since we were just messing around with them and stuff. I got a free coat from an elder that is already back home. It is a very nice jacket I guess he didn't want to pack it. Any ride you can look up in europa park we rode. It was fun. Even the lame rides we made fun. They are not as strict out here about what you do on rides so on this one raft ride that was kinda lame we all stood in the raft and shifted it to go a different course the workers thought that was funny.
I also got my face painted. I got the mike tyson tattoo on the face on the right side and go the same thing on the left but got it pink with black flames it was way tight looking and funny tons of people looked at me but it was all good. It was just a way fun day and we were pretty much the life of the park (me especially if i might be so bold and proud).  Everything was great and will probably qualify as a very high p day.
Well I got to go but just wanted to tell you guys I love you and I know the church is true. I will probably write an actual email next week when i have something to write about. Tschuss.

From March 25th:
I wanted to explain my last purchase which should have shown up now I bought a guitar with a strap a case and some picks for about 90 €. I know I have been taking a lot out lately but i just had this way huge craving to get it and the last two days I have been spending all my free time practicing it and can now play a couple jack johnson songs (which is way easy to do).  I also had to tune my guitar last night and tried for like 30 minutes but just made it worse so we went outside and there was a bunch of teenagers we had seen on our way home that were drinking and playing guitars. Elder King didn't want to go over there with the drinking and all, so he stayed behind near this tree so I went up and asked them if they could help me tune my guitar. They were way helpful and asked me a ton of questions. They wanted us to stay for a concert they were doing but it was at 9 p.m. but I would have liked to stay if not.  Especially since it will be outside and they wanted to hear me play something but I explained I can't play anything yet but will learn some stuff and play it for them next week.  So we will meet with them again, maybe something will happen there. 
Dad, sorry you can't get into that series. Maybe it just isn't your thing.  I really did enjoy them though and so I thought you would but maybe not. I am also losing Elder King next Thursday. He is going to Stuttgart and they are actually bringing three missionaries here. My new comp will be Elder Vanuitert and then there will be another companionship that is brand new here so i get to show three people this area on friday whoo hoo.
Tuesday, March 23rd:
I'm in Freiburg for the next two days with Elder Griffes who is a golden and I have a little bit of time before we get our train to this other appointment. Hope everything is still fun and Lost is cool. Also I wasnt' able to go to europa park this week since they wern't open yet but next week should be awesome. Since the internet wasnt working and we were in the internet cafe yesterday we played age of empires 2 with some teenagers and then talked to them later.
That is one cool thing our mission president says we can watch pg 13 movies, play games and go to amusment parks as long as we are doing it with non members or it is a special occasion and we ask him. Don't worry Mom, I got permission and we got an appointment out of playing the game with them. That was pretty fun. Saw someone playing "Company of Heros" and thought of Logan, hope he is doing well and school is going good for him. Tell him I said hi.  I really do hope everything there is still fun, it wouldn't be fun to come home to some old people who sit around staring at mountains or something. Just kidding you guys are fun. My companion gave me an old watch of his so now I have a watch. I've lost 10 pounds and have been working out. Its been going pretty good.
I already took out my money for Europa Park and to get my pants repaired. Also never got my package so I am kinda worried about that.  Elder King told me they usually get here by the two week mark and they usually drop them off while we are home and ring the doorbell. Also we were the only ones living in our building but they have been painting it and all that good stuff and next week two groups are going to move in. Me and elder king had to get our bike repaired today (we only have one) cause hopefully someone is going to be dropping off a new one this week for us. That would be cool.
I will be in Freiburg with Elder Griffes for the next two days since elder king is going on a temple trip (the one my MTC group is also supposed to be going on and are only I can't). Wish I could go with my group but the accident set my schedule off for stuff like that. It was way cool to see Blomquist and Anderson last week. Middleton didn't come up cause he had stuff to do. I have lost 10 pounds since i've been out now whoo hoo. We buy a lot of protein and i started buying thermogenics which is the same stuff I took when I lost weight back home too. Not as good of quality but hopefully it will work all the same. Hope your trip goes well Mom, that will be way cool.
I think im going to send my german stuff back home when i find my medal (lost it somewhere in the apartment) I have the medal, the book that has peoples names in it, and a full set of deutsch marks (the currency) from 1997. I'm not way into this stuff or anything but the only place i can get authentic things like this are here and they probably wont be here in the next 20 years or so. I upgraded to this new my lds mail thing, found my temple recommend in my wallet. Mom, I still need that list of the places where I can get that clock especially if for some reason I get transfered out of here.
Is dad reading those one books at all? they are great. You should read them as well. It's like the next generation of harry potter. Very good.  see you later love you.  Jeff

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