
His first assignment was in the Jagst River Valley in the city of Ellwangen, Germany with Elder Middleton. After he broke his leg and ankle on July 18th he was hospitalized for 10 days and then he returned home to recover. He served one transfer in the Albuquerque NM Mission from January 4 - February 15, 2010 and served on the Navajo Reservation with Elder Lee.

He returned to Zurich on February 16, 2010. His first assignment was to serve with Elder King in Offenburg, Germany. The city is located in the Kinzig River Valley and adjacent to the Black Forest. The nearest large town is Strasbourg, France. He then served in a companionship with Elders Baird and Vaniturt in Offenburg.
On June 24th he was called to serve in Heilbronn with Elder Aeschbacher, who is from Switzerland. He is excited to serve with a native German speaker and hopes this will help him improve his language skills. On August 18, 2010 he was transferred to the city of Tubingen and called to be a companion with Elder Mildon.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Elder Middleton Came By

So a different week this last week. My companion had to go out to Munich so Monday night we still went to the family Dietle. But Elder Blomquist and his companion Elder Asay came with me. It was sweet. We got to talk to Brian some about his mission and got to east some awesome portugese (I think) food. It is so awesome there and we get to go there every Monday! In fact it is where we are going right after here. They are so nice and the mom is way nice too. It is too bad she is never  able to come to church because she has to work at a hospital every Sunday.
On Tuesday we had district meeting in Ludwigsburg so I didn't have to take a train anywhere just had to get ready which was nice. We had a normal district meeting just with the exception of elder Aeschbacher not being there. Afterwards Elder Ault stayed and me, Elder Blomquist, and Elder Ault were together for the next day. We got to go by an american family that Elder Ault knew from when he served in the international ward. They were extremely excited to see him again and loved having us over. Their kids are all around 5-10 and just kept wanting to play with us (especially Elder Ault).
On Wednsday we exchanged back and the three of us helped some members in their ward do their home teaching. We went by a few people and families all of them were pretty cool. No one had any wierd things about them so not too memoriable. On Thursday I went to the Stuttgart international area. It was way fun. First we got to eat american food. Then we got to buy american food and stuff for later (like vitamin D which is impossible to find in Germany) after that the two elders went to play frisbee with some investigators they have there while I got to go to the gym!!! The rules on base are that there is no proslyting allowd so they get to go to the gym a couple times a week and meet and talk to people there. It is about the closest thing they can do to finding and is about the most successful thing they have. lol It is awesome since the international ward gets a baptism almost every transfer. We were there for about 5 hours! I am still sore. I also learned how to play racket ball which is now something I want to do back home.  Dad, didn't you play before and have raquets and all?
After that we went to their ward mission leaders house. His family joked around with us for about three hours. They gave us some awesome american dinner with potatoes, some meat and a casserole and then the ward mission leader got to talk to the other two about their investigators in the area. It was extremely fun.  That is cool that Bro. Andreason is now in that ward.  I will definitely tell those elders to say hi from me.  Maybe I'll get a chance to see him one day too.
On Friday I was back with elder Blomquist and Asay. They had to plan a fireside they were giving the next day and what they were going to do for the next week. I just kind of sat around and learned how to play all their board games (they have like 20). Then a member came by and helped us put in some shelves they had gotten and then we went to his house for dinner (he made nachos!) he is way funny and was extremely nice to us. On Saturday elder Aeschbacher came back (and I was told 1 hour before that he was going to be arriving) and so did elder Middleton! He came to visit the member who had helped us the previous day. The members name is Markus and Saturday was his birthday so we took him to this german restuarant we found out about recently and made him brownies. We got to see elder Middleton and chat with him and it was all great.  I also got him to sign my guitar so now all I am missing is Elders Lee and King signatures.
That is awesome about Ryan going through the temple on Wednesday.  I recommend reading Exodus 28.
On Sunday we didn't have any investigators come to church (sister boger slept in and called us ten minutes before church started to say sorry) but about 5 less actives came which was great. It felt awesome to see that two less actives have become active recently and that so many more are now starting to come and make progress! After church Elder Aeschbacher was feeling bad so we went home and he slept for the rest of the day. I read some books and called some people that lived close to talk to them. Today we had a pretty cool p-day however. We went to the zoo in Stuttgart and got to see a bunch of cool things. Mainly polar bears. Which are awesome.  Saw some apes and noticed that the younger ape totally ruled over the old dad ape. 
But yeah I will send pictures when I get the chance.
I got the package you sent for my year mark with the books and then the package you sent to the mission home with the stuff for me and Elder Aeschbacher.  I picked the red tie.  Thanks for the guitar books, they look helpful.  Mom in zone conference we talked about what kind of missionary are we and we are supposed to ask our moms what kind they think we are.  Would you mind writing something about that?  Dad don't forget to send me that list of XBox games so I can decide which ones I want to send to Brian.  Thanks.  Well got to get ready to meet the Dietles again! Have fun everyone. Love you

Elder Hargett
P.S.  Still no poster; sorry.  Probably because we were away from the apartment all week.  Maybe our mail carrier has it.  I assume it's too big to fit into the box.

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